table of contents

health management

We view the health of our employees as an important management resource and will actively implement initiatives to maintain and improve their physical and mental health.

Health management declaration

Our company is committed to providing the best service to our customers through the humanity and technical capabilities of our employees. In order to further improve the quality of our services, we believe it is important that our employees are energetic and highly motivated. We will actively work to improve the health of each employee so that they can perform at their best.

Health Management Officer Representative Director and President Keiichi MORI KEIICHI

Health management promotion system

[Excellent Health and Productivity Management Corporation]

On March 11, 2024, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi jointly selected us as a 2024 Health and Productivity Management Organization (Large Corporation Category), which certifies corporations that practice excellent health and productivity management.

*The Health and Productivity Management Organization Certification System recognizes large companies, small and medium-sized enterprises, etc. that are practicing particularly excellent health and productivity management, based on initiatives tailored to local health issues and health promotion initiatives promoted by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi. This is a system to honor corporations.

Click here for information on the Health and Productivity Management Organization System.

[Goals and achievements]

We analyze the results of employee health checkups, stress checks, and internal surveys and implement various measures.

Item2021 resultsFY2022 resultsFY2023 results2023 target
Periodic health checkup participation rate
Proportion of people maintaining appropriate weight (BMI 18.5-25)
64.3%64.9%63.9 %70.0%
Stress check examination rate
stress check
Percentage of people with high stress
13.4%14.8%12.9 %13.0%
subjective performance
Average evaluation value *1
Health consciousness evaluation average value *2
3.4 points3.4 points3.5 points
*1 Please rate your work over the past four weeks, taking as 100% the work performance that you can perform when you are healthy and energetic (without illness or injury). Average value of answers to the question (internal survey)
*2 Average value of responses (out of 5 points) to questions such as whether employees are trying to live a healthy lifestyle, checking the results of health checkups, and taking necessary actions (in-house survey)

[Main measures]

Club activity support

In order to improve the health of our employees, we provide support for club activities. Currently, there are eight club activities, including the soccer club, basketball club, relay race club, cycling club, and mountain climbing club, with approximately 150 employees participating.

Conducting health management seminars

In 2023, we held the following webinars.

  • Mental health care training (required for all employees)

By learning medically what stress is, you will learn countermeasures to proactively and voluntarily maintain your own health. We also provide advice on appropriate countermeasures for "signs of poor health" emitted by team/project members.

  • Seminar on improving eating habits and preventing stiff shoulders and lower back pain

Learn how to keep your mind and body healthy by approaching your body from the inside and outside.

Improve your diet...

Learn what to choose to have a well-balanced meal when eating out at a convenience store or eating out, how to eat effectively, and practical tips.

Prevents stiff shoulders and back pain...

Learn stretching and exercises that you can do at work to prevent and relieve stiff shoulders and lower back pain.

health check

Regular health checkups are mandatory for all employees. The human resources department and managers work together to thoroughly manage the status of medical examinations. We also have a system in place where industrial physicians and public health nurses can provide advice on how to confirm health checkup results and reexaminations.

food at work

A public health nurse will provide you with drinks, convenience store meals, and eating out.We are disseminating information within the company about calories, and alerting people to excessive intake and nutritional imbalances.

We also offer diet programs and lifestyle prevention programs through our health insurance association.

Smoking cessation measures

We strive to reduce the smoking rate by providing information from industrial physicians about the negative effects of smoking on health and about visiting a smoking cessation outpatient clinic.

Mental health measures

We have established a counseling room with industrial physicians, public health nurses, and medical counselors, and are available for consultation on a variety of topics, including health consultations, mental care, and life consultations.

Approximately 100 interviews were conducted in fiscal 2022. We also provide employees with access to an external hotline service, which allows them to consult with specialized staff by phone, email, or face-to-face.

Achievements left behind

48 years since its establishment.
We have a proven track record because we have focused on what is important.
It has a long track record in both the public and private sectors.

Number of projects per year

500 PJ

Annual number of business partners/customers

200 companies

Maximum number of trading years

47 years

Total number of qualified persons

1,870 people