Questions about the company
Please tell us about the business that Focus Systems is developing.
Computer system consulting/contracted development System maintenance/operation management, technical support Development/sales of information security-related technologies/products Development/sales of software packages
Planning and production of web content, etc.
Please see the business details for details.
Please tell us about Focus Systems' management policies and strategies.
Please see the president's message and medium-term management plan .
Questions regarding settlement of accounts and finances
Where can I get the latest financial information?
Please see the financial results and securities reports .
Please tell us about your achievements.
Please see our business results .
When is the fiscal year end?
It's March.
Please tell me the schedule for announcing financial results.
Please see the IR calendar .
Can I watch the financial results briefing on the Internet?
Please see the financial results briefing . Text transcription and archive distribution are available.
Questions regarding stocks
Please tell me the exchange where it is listed.
Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market.
Please tell me the unit of stock trading.
When is the general meeting of shareholders?
It's late June. Please see the IR calendar .
How much is the dividend per share?
Please see the dividend status .
When is the shareholder determination date for dividend payments?
The term ends on March 31st and the interim term ends on September 30th.
Do you have a shareholder benefit system?
We do not have a shareholder benefit system.
We place the highest priority on achieving a fair return of profits to our shareholders, and have decided to concentrate on direct profit returns through dividends.
IR information
Management information
IR library
About Focus Systems