Public Announcement of Matters Concerning the Handling of Personal Information

Focus Systems Corporation (hereinafter, "the Company") shall announce the following matters publicly in compliance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (hereinafter, "the Act").
1. Matters concerning the public announcement of the purpose of utilization of personal information
Item | Purpose of utilization |
Personal information, etc., related to customers | Company name, department name, name of individual, and contact information are utilized for the following purposes. Information related to personal information (cookies, access logs, IP addresses, etc.) of visitors to the Company's website is utilized for the following purposes. |
Personal information, etc., related to clients and business partners | Company name, department name, name of individual, and contact information are utilized for the following purposes. |
Personal information, etc., entrusted to the Company in connection with work outsourced to it | Personal information, etc., entrusted to the Company in connection with work outsourced to it is utilized for the following purposes. |
Personal information, etc., related to job applicants with the Company | Resumes, work experience, transcripts, diplomas (including certificates of expected graduation), health certificates, aptitude test results, and evaluation results during the selection process are utilized for the following purposes. |
Personal information, etc., related to shareholders | Name, address, contact information, number of shares held, shareholder number, and other related information are utilized for the following purposes. |
Personal information, etc., acquired after obtaining consent for the purpose of utilization specified by the Company | Personal information, etc., acquired after obtaining consent is utilized for the following purposes. |
Personal information, etc., of employees | Personal information, etc., of employees (including retirees) is utilized for the following purposes. |
*With regard to personal information obtained directly from customers in writing, the purpose of utilization will be clearly stated each time. However, the following exceptions apply:
A. If notifying the principal of the purpose of utilization or making a public announcement is likely to cause harm to the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of said principal or a third party;
B. If notifying the principal of the purpose of utilization or making a public announcement is likely to harm the rights or legitimate interests of the Company;
C. If it is necessary to cooperate with a state agency or a local public entity in performing affairs prescribed by laws and regulations, and notifying the principal of the purpose of utilization or making a public announcement is likely to impede the performance of such affairs;
D. If the purpose of utilization is deemed to be clear in light of the circumstances of the acquisition
2. Matters concerning "retained personal data"
(1) Name of business operator handling personal information
Focus Systems Corporation
(2)Personal information protection manager's representative and contact information
General Manager of Administration Headquarters
TEL: 03-5421-7785 (inquiry desk for personal information matters)
(3) Purpose of utilization of retained personal data
Please refer to " 1. Matters concerning the public announcement of the purpose of utilization of personal information. "
*However, "personal information, etc., entrusted to the Company in connection with work outsourced to it" does not constitute retained personal data.
(4) Where to submit complaints about the handling of retained personal data
Please refer to the " Inquiry desk for personal information matters. ".
(5) Name of the authorized personal information protection organization and where to submit requests for complaint resolution
The Company does not belong to any authorized personal information protection organization.
(6) Procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, etc., of retained personal data
Please refer to " 3. Matters related to procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, etc. "
3. Matters related to procedures for responding to requests for disclosure, etc.
The Company responds to requests from the principal or agent (legal representative/agent by delegation) whose personal information is retained by the Company pertaining to "notice of the purpose of utilization; disclosure of personal information; correction, addition, or deletion of content; discontinuation of utilization or erasure; discontinuation of the provision of the retained personal data to a third party; and, disclosure of records of provision to a third party" (hereinafter, "requests for disclosure, etc."), based on the following procedures.
(1) Where to submit a request for disclosure, etc.
Please refer to the " Inquiry desk for personal information matters. ".
(2) Method of requesting disclosure, etc.
To request disclosure, please send the following documents a, b, and c by post to our inquiry desk for personal information matters. Please note that documents submitted in relation to requests for disclosure, etc., will not be returned.
A. Application Form for Disclosure of Personal Information, etc.
Please download the form prescribed by the Company from the following link and complete it.
Application Form for Disclosure of Personal Information, etc.
B. Documents for identity verification
(a) In the case of an application by the principal
- The principal's official ID (a copy of their driver's license, passport, health insurance card, or alien registration card, etc. [the document submitted must be within the validity period])
(b) Application through an agent
- The principal's official ID (a copy of their driver's license, passport, health insurance card, or alien registration card, etc. [the document submitted must be within the validity period])
- The agent's official ID (a copy of their driver's license, passport, health insurance card, or alien registration card, etc. [the document submitted must be within the validity period])
- Letter of authorization from the principal (no prescribed format; signature and seal of the principal are required)
【Points to note】
- If the documents listed above do not contain a portrait photograph, please also submit a supporting document issued by a public institution (such as a statement of utility charges).
- If the documents listed above contain information on the registered domicile, please mask (black out) this information before submitting it.
C. Postage stamps corresponding to the value of the fee
(3) Fee and collection method
The following fees are charged for requests for disclosure of personal information, etc.
(Fee) 1,000 yen (tax included)
(Collection method) Please enclose postage stamps corresponding to the value of the aforementioned fee, along with the required documents.
(4) Method of responding to requests for disclosure, etc.
The Company will send the response to the applicant via personal mail, to be opened only by the principal.
(5) Purpose of utilization of personal information obtained through a request for disclosure, etc.
Personal information obtained through a request for disclosure, etc., is utilized only for the purpose of responding to the request for disclosure, etc.
For complaints or consultation regarding the handling of personal information, please contact our personal information inquiry desk.
Focus Systems Corporation
Personal information inquiry desk
(Reception hours: 9:00-17:00, excluding company holidays)
FAX: 03-5421-3201
Address: Focus Gotanda Building, 2-7-8 Higashigotanda, Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-0022
Achievements left behind
48 years since its establishment.
We have a proven track record because we have focused on what is important.
It has a long track record in both the public and private sectors.
Number of projects per year
500 PJ
Annual number of business partners/customers
200 companies
Maximum number of trading years
47 years
Total number of qualified persons
1,870 people