Improve business efficiency with IT! Explaining benefits and useful tools such as improving productivity

Improve business efficiency with IT! Explaining benefits and useful tools such as improving productivity

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Can you use IT tools to make your work more efficient?
"What other benefits does it have?"

Some people may have questions like this. By using IT tools, you can make various tasks more efficient.For example, by introducing automation tools, routine tasks can be made more efficient or automated. In addition, by introducing chat tools for internal communication, you will be able to quickly communicate business and share information. The time required for each interaction can be greatly reduced.

Therefore, this time, we will not only provide basic information about IT, but also explain the benefits that can be obtained by using IT tools and how to introduce IT tools. By reading this article, you will not only understand the necessity and benefits of IT, but also be able to smoothly introduce IT tools. If you are unsure of how to promote IT use, please refer to this guide.

What is IT, the technology that has the potential to improve business efficiency?

Here, we will explain what IT is and divide it into the following three points.

  • What is IT?
  • Purpose of IT
  • What are your ideas for IT?

What is IT?

IT refers to the use of information technology to make business operations more efficient.The following services are typical examples of IT implementation.

  • Online Banking
  • e-commerce
  • remote work
  • cloud service
  • electronic medical record system

For example, with online banking, you can access your bank account over the Internet and make transfers, check your balance, pay bills, etc. This eliminates the need to visit a bank teller, saving you time and effort. ``Being able to transfer funds from the comfort of your home'' is a convenience that was previously unimaginable.

In this way, IT has the potential to revolutionize all industries and lifestyles. It will make people's work and lives faster and more convenient.

Purpose of IT

The purpose of IT is to improve business efficiency.Tasks that used to take time to be done by humans can now be made more efficient by using IT.

For example, there was a time when thick paper conference materials were photocopied one by one and handed over by hand. Not only was it time-consuming to copy materials, there was also the risk of them being lost and issues with securing storage space.

However, by using IT, you can eliminate the hassle of copying meeting materials for each number of participants. All you need to do is send the data file via e-mail, etc. Important documents such as customer information are also managed on the cloud, reducing the risk of loss and the need to secure storage space.

What are your ideas for IT?

As an idea for IT, it would be a good idea to introduce the following tools into your business.

Examples of IT toolsKey benefits

automation tools

Automate routine and repetitive tasks

Cloud-based document management system

Access from anywhere and share files easily

electronic signature system

Improve document processing speed and reduce paper usage

By introducing IT tools, you can basically streamline or automate your operations. By streamlining or automating routine tasks, you can free up time. If you use your free time to focus on your core business, you may be able to increase your sales.

Additionally, depending on the tools you have in place, it is possible to promote remote work and go paperless. By reducing costs such as transportation costs, paper costs, and ink costs, you can expect to cut expenses and improve profit margins.

Of course, implementing such IT tools comes at a cost. There will be installation costs and monthly running costs. However, depending on how you use it, it can be said that the rewards outweigh the costs. It would be a good idea to take a look to see if there are any tasks that can be implemented using IT.

Improved productivity! Benefits of IT

The three main benefits of implementing IT are:

  • Improved productivity
  • Can accommodate diverse work styles
  • Can promote DX conversion

Improved productivity

One of the benefits of using IT is improved productivity.This is because by promoting IT, business efficiency can be improved.

For example, you can eliminate the need to hand-write account books and customer data on paper, or to copy and hand-deliver documents. Even if you don't use a calculator, you can use spreadsheet software or accounting software to complete your accounting process surprisingly easily.

The efficiency of work is not limited to general offices. For example, in the customer service industry, by digitizing accounting and ordering, it is possible to reduce mishearing of orders and mistakes in entering data at the register. As a result, one person will be able to complete more tasks more quickly, which may lead to reduced labor costs.

Can accommodate diverse work styles

Promoting IT can also accommodate diverse working styles.You can work freely without being restricted by various conditions such as location.

For example, the introduction of teleworking will allow people to work while also raising children or caring for the elderly. It will be easier to balance work and family life than ever before. Also, since you can work without going to the office, you don't have to commute every day. You can move to your favorite place, such as Hokkaido or Okinawa, and continue to work as before.

And by eliminating location restrictions, companies can also hire people who live outside of a specific location. For example, in the past, companies with offices in Tokyo would basically only hire people who could commute to the office when hiring part-time workers. If you don't live in Tokyo, it may be difficult to work.

However, by adopting telework, it becomes possible to employ people living in rural areas. This can be a big advantage for companies facing a labor shortage.

Can promote DX conversion

Promoting IT will lead to DX transformation*.

*DX conversion refers to transforming not only services and business models, but also business processes, organizations, culture, and climate.

This is because increasing the efficiency or automating operations through IT makes it easier to transform the company. For example, let's say you want to digitize all of the following tasks that were previously done manually.

  • Accounting processing
  • Business pick-up
  • Customer information management
  • Material preparation and material distribution
  • Management of work schedules

By digitizing the above, you can reduce time and costs as mentioned earlier, and allocate management resources to core operations. Furthermore, the promotion of IT can also provide opportunities for employees to gain exposure to new technology. This will help promote understanding and acceptance of digital technology. This may be the trigger for DX conversion throughout the company.

If we can promote digital transformation, business processes will improve and the use of IT tools may become the norm in our corporate culture. This will result in changes that were previously unthinkable. We may see organizations frequently hearing comments such as, "Let's introduce IT tools to increase the productivity of this task."

If this situation continues, competitiveness among companies will increase. Ultimately, we can also expect to improve our international competitiveness. This is a big advantage for companies. It would be a good idea to aim for DX through IT.

For more information on DX, please refer to the article below.
Improve business efficiency with DX! Explaining benefits such as reduced work time, implementation procedures, and examples

What exactly is productivity? Explanation of definition and measurement method

Here, we will explain the definition of productivity and how to measure productivity.

  • Definition of productivity
  • How to measure productivity

Definition of productivity

According to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, productivity is defined as follows:

Productivity is an indicator of "how much added value an input labor force can produce." In Japan, which faces various challenges that must be overcome due to a declining birthrate and aging population, such as increased social security burdens that accompany aging, improving productivity is an important indicator for overcoming these challenges.

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | Service Productivity Report | Page 3 (as of February 16, 2024)

A typical example of "productivity" is "labor productivity." Labor productivity is an indicator of how much value a single worker creates within a certain period of time, or how much output they produce per hour. High labor productivity indicates efficient use of labor and a healthy economy, and is considered an important factor that is directly linked to economic growth and strengthening corporate competitiveness.

In particular, Japan is facing a declining birthrate and an aging population, which is resulting in a decline in the labor force and an increase in the burden of social security. A decline in the labor force leads to slower economic growth and increases pressure on the social security system, so it can be said that improving productivity is particularly important.

How to measure productivity

The calculation method differs slightly depending on which productivity is being measured, but in the case of labor productivity, which is a typical example of productivity, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry states as follows.

Labor productivity is the value obtained by dividing the amount of added value created by the amount of labor input (person x time).

Source: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry | Service Productivity Report | Page 3 (as of February 16, 2024)

In other words, it refers to the amount of goods or services produced by labor divided by the amount of labor (number of people and time) input. Since labor input is the product of people and time, the goal is to increase added value with less time and number of people.

This is where IT comes in handy. As mentioned earlier, promoting IT will lead to improved productivity. For example, using automated tools for data entry tasks can increase the amount of data that can be entered per hour.

The key point here is not just to increase the number of data entries per hour. Automation can reduce the number of people involved, which means labor costs can also be reduced. This means that input can be reduced while output is maximized. This will have a significant effect because it approaches productivity improvement from both output and input sides.

All are necessary! How to successfully implement IT

Here we will explain the key points for successful IT implementation.

  • Conduct on-site interviews
  • start small

Conduct on-site interviews

First, conduct an on-site interview.This is because unless we listen to the opinions of those on the ground, we cannot decide what kind of system to introduce. There is no point in promoting IT without conducting interviews unless the system is optimal for the site.

During your interview, you may want to ask questions such as the following:

  • Each job content
  • Is there monotonous work?
  • Required resources
  • Target achievement value
  • What improvements would you like to make?
  • What I'm concerned about

Basically, check to see if there are any tasks that can be made more efficient or automated. Then look for tools that can make this happen.

Also, when conducting a hearing, try to ask open questions that allow the other person to tell you more details, rather than closed questions that can be answered with a "yes/no" answer. You can draw out specific experiences and opinions. Using 5W1H will make it easier to ask open questions.

Of course, once you have elicited opinions, be careful not to impose your own opinions or preconceptions on the other person. Just maintain a neutral attitude. It is important to listen to all opinions fairly and evaluate them objectively.

start small

When implementing IT, start small.If you invest too much in the early stages, you may not be able to recover your investment. Rather than suddenly starting on a large scale, it is better to proceed with IT implementation in stages and in a planned manner.

When starting small, we recommend prioritizing your work. When prioritizing, consider the following criteria:

Example of judgment criteriaConcrete example


How urgently do we need IT?


How big is the impact?

expected profit

Cost reduction, profit increase, etc.


Technical issues, securing budget, time constraints, etc.

Measurability of effectiveness

Can be quantified, etc.

First, make a list of all the tasks to be targeted and evaluate them using the above criteria. Then, give each task a score. Arrange the tasks in order of highest score, and select tasks that are feasible within resource constraints. For each task selected, create a specific implementation plan.

Even if you start small, it is necessary to provide sufficient user education and a support system. Accurate verification may be difficult depending on the IT literacy of the person in charge and the site situation. You will likely need manuals and some support to become comfortable using new tools and technology. If you consult with your IT tool provider, they may be able to assist you in this area.

Improve productivity by improving work efficiency! Recommended IT tools

Here, we will explain two IT tools that can make your business more efficient.

  • Dropbox
  • Chatwork


Dropbox* is an online storage service provided by the American company Dropbox, Inc.

*Dropbox is a registered trademark of Dropbox, Inc.

Multiple people can use the same storage and share not only files and documents but also photos. Since it's saved online, you don't have to worry about your hard disk breaking.

Another feature is that it can be used on any device. It can be used on any computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. Changes are synced within your account, so you'll always have the most up-to-date information whenever you're online. As of February 16, 2024, there is a free plan, so if you are interested, you may want to try it out.

In addition, implementation examples are also posted on the official website. By introducing Dropbox, you can check in advance what kind of effects it will have. Many industries and companies are introduced, so you may be able to find a case similar to your own.


Chatwork* is a business chat tool provided by Chatwork Corporation.

*Chatwork is a registered trademark of Chatwork Co., Ltd.

It is mainly used in business settings, and is widely used by everyone from sole proprietors to large corporations. Its biggest advantage is that it is easier to contact people than email or phone, and it allows for quicker communication. It will surely be a good starting point for smooth communication.

Chat communication is also available on the free plan, but there are limits on the number of registered users and the ability to view past messages. On the other hand, the paid plan allows an unlimited number of registered users and the ability to check past chat logs. It is a good idea to choose the plan you want to use depending on your company's situation and usage.

Explaining checkpoints for IT tools and systems

Here, we will explain two checkpoints for IT tools and systems.

  • Understand the issue
  • Choose one with a free trial

Understand the issue

First, you need to understand your company's challenges.If you just blindly introduce IT tools and systems without understanding the issues, you will not expect great results. It is necessary to understand the issue and clarify the requirements and functions needed to solve it. This will make it easier to implement the IT tools that are most appropriate for your company.

When clarifying issues, we recommend implementing process mapping. Process mapping is a method for visually understanding business processes within an organization. This helps clarify the flow of the process, the people involved, the data and information used, and the decision-making points at each step. You may be able to discover issues that were not revealed during the hearing.

A word of caution: don't map your processes too closely. If you try to be too detailed and complete, the checkpoints may become overwhelming and difficult to confirm. You'll need to strike the right balance for the information and level of detail you need. If it is difficult to judge on your own, it is a good idea to ask the on-site person in charge about the main points of each work.

Choose one with a free trial

When introducing IT tools, we recommend using a free trial.You can actually use the product to check whether it meets your needs and requirements. By trying out specific functions and usability in advance, you can avoid risks such as "not being able to streamline your work at all."

Of course, you don't have to try just one tool at a time. Trying out multiple tools with free trials allows you to directly compare the pros and cons of each and efficiently choose the tool that's best for your company.

However, when it comes to free trials, all tools usually have a time limit. You should fully evaluate the product and make a decision within the available period. If you try too many things, you may not be able to fully verify them within the time period. When using a free trial, it is a good idea to do so in a planned manner.


Up to this point, we have explained how to make your business more efficient with IT and recommended IT tools. Improving operational efficiency and productivity are important goals that many companies should aim for.IT can be a powerful means to achieve these goals. When aiming to improve business efficiency and productivity, it is recommended to use various IT tools such as cloud services, project management tools, and communication tools.

Additionally, as technology evolves, it is expected that new tools and systems will continue to emerge. You will be required to always have the latest information and be able to respond flexibly. If you are concerned about improving your business efficiency, please feel free to contact us.

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48 years since its establishment.
We have a proven track record because we have focused on what is important.
It has a long track record in both the public and private sectors.

Number of projects per year

500 PJ

Annual number of business partners/customers

200 companies

Maximum number of trading years

47 years

Total number of qualified persons

1,870 people