What is an IoT Beacon? Explaining its benefits, differences from GPS, and use cases

What is an IoT Beacon? Explaining its benefits, differences from GPS, and use cases

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“What is an IoT beacon?”
“I want to know what I need to be careful about when using IoT beacons.”

Some people who are considering introducing IoT beacons may have questions like the ones above. An IoT beacon is a device that uses Bluetooth to communicate wirelessly over short distances.A signal is transmitted from a beacon, and information and location information are transmitted to devices that can receive the signal. It is used in a variety of situations, including promotional activities at retail stores and to prevent the loss of items.

However, there are some caveats, such as beacons can only communicate with devices that have Bluetooth functionality, and communication may become unstable depending on the environment. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the characteristics of beacons when introducing them.

In this article, we will explain the characteristics of IoT beacons, what they can do, precautions when using them, implementation examples, and frequently asked questions. If you are having trouble with IoT beacons, please refer to this article.

What is an IoT beacon?

I will explain what an IoT beacon is in the following three sections.

  • What is a beacon?
  • How Beacon works
  • Difference between beacon and GPS

What is a beacon?

A beacon is a device that can communicate wirelessly over short distances.It transmits signals over a short distance, ranging from a few meters to several tens of meters, and communicates with devices within the range. Originally, the word beacon meant a landmark, such as a ``pass'' or a ``lighthouse,'' and it refers to something that sends out a signal and serves as an indicator to guide something.

Specific examples of beacons include VICS (road traffic information system), which provides road traffic information, and avalanche beacons, which can issue a distress signal when caught in an avalanche. However, as the term becomes more widespread in the IoT field, its meaning has changed slightly, and a device that can collect and transmit information via wireless communication over short distances is also sometimes called a beacon.

The beacon is basically equipped with Bluetooth, a short-range wireless communication standard called BLE (Bluetooth Low Energ). BLE allows communication with lower power consumption than conventional Bluetooth, and can also be operated on button batteries. Low power consumption and cost savings.

Any device that can communicate via Bluetooth can receive the information sent by the beacon. Bluetooth is installed as a standard feature in many wearable devices such as smartphones and smart watches. With the spread of devices that can communicate with beacons, their use in IoT is attracting attention.

How Beacon works

Beacons mainly transmit information and obtain location information in the following manner. 

  1. Sends a signal at regular time intervals
  2. Sends information to receiving terminals within signal range
  3. Obtain location information of communicating receiving terminal
  4. Send location information to server

Beacons can only communicate with devices that have the ability to receive the signals they emit. As mentioned above, beacons communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth, so you can receive the information emitted by a beacon with a smartphone or other device. A signal is emitted at regular intervals, and the information is sent to receiving devices within the signal range at the time of emission.

It is also possible to detect receiving devices and send location information to a server. The location information sent to the server can be used to grasp the congestion situation within a facility and the locations of people.

For example, audio guides at art galleries and museums can be played according to the location of the person with the dedicated terminal. Conventional audio guides generally play when played, regardless of the work or location the user is viewing. By using beacons, you can broadcast content that matches the exhibit based on the location information of the dedicated terminal.

Difference between beacon and GPS

Both beacons and GPS can obtain location information of a specific device, but the source and range of the signal are different. 

In the case of a beacon, location information can be obtained by transmitting a signal from the beacon itself and sensing the receiving terminal. Beacons can only communicate over short distances, so they are suitable for obtaining location information inside buildings.

On the other hand, GPS uses signals emitted by artificial satellites to determine the location of a device. What GPS can do is measure position over a wide range. For example, if you use GPS on your smartphone when moving outdoors, you can keep track of your location as you move.

However, the radio waves from the satellites are blocked by obstacles such as indoors or underground and cannot reach the device. In bad weather with lots of clouds, the radio waves may be blocked by the clouds and accurate location information may not be obtained. It can be said that GPS is best used when moving around outdoors in places without obstacles.

In this way, beacons and GPS differ in the distance and environment in which signals can be used. When acquiring location information, be sure to understand the characteristics of each type before using them.

What you can do using IoT beacons

We will explain the following four things that can be done using IoT beacons.

  • Information dissemination at stores
  • Loss prevention
  • Watching over children and the elderly
  • Acquisition of location information of people and things

 Information dissemination at stores

IoT beacons can be used to send information in stores.Beacons can send information to the smartphones of customers visiting the store.

Usually, store sales information and coupons are distributed on the store's website or social media. In this case, customers cannot find out about sales information unless they directly access the website or social media. Promotional methods using flyers and web ads can approach an unspecified number of people, but it is unclear whether the information will be delivered to users who are interested in purchasing.

However, beacons can deliver information directly to the smartphones of customers inside the store. Since users visiting the store are considered to have a relatively high desire to purchase, this will enable more efficient sales promotion activities.

In addition, since the information transmitted by the beacon can be checked using a special app, the special app must be downloaded to the smartphone of the receiving device. If the special app is not downloaded, the information cannot be sent.

Therefore, when introducing beacons for the purpose of disseminating information, it is necessary to develop a dedicated application and disseminate information. When introducing beacons, consider the cost and time required to develop the app.

Loss prevention

IoT beacons are also useful for preventing loss.By utilizing the function that detects the location information of beacons, it is possible to understand the location of objects linked to beacons.

Beacons come in a variety of types and sizes, and can be attached to small objects such as keys and wallets. By attaching a beacon to an item that is easily lost, you can check the location information of the beacon with your smartphone. If you have a specification that displays alerts on your smartphone, you can prevent items from being misplaced or lost. This will prevent you from losing your valuables.

Additionally, setting up a system to notify the administrator when items are illegally taken away will help prevent theft.

Watching over children and the elderly

By using IoT beacons, it is possible to monitor children and the elderly.By acquiring the location information of the target you want to watch, you can check the current location and past behavior history.

By having the target wear a keychain-type or amulet-type beacon and installing a receiving device at their home or a local facility, location information can be obtained. The location information obtained by the beacon can be viewed on a linked smartphone.

The specific usage method is as follows.

  • Understanding location information of elementary school students when commuting to and from school
  • Preventing children from getting lost in crowded places

For example, a keychain-type beacon can be attached to an elementary school student's backpack to notify parents when their child goes to and from school. If you get separated from your child in a crowded place such as a shopping mall, you can easily find them by acquiring their location using the beacon.

In this way, by utilizing the location information acquisition function of beacons, it is possible to keep an eye on children and the elderly. By making it easier to keep an eye on them, you will be able to live your daily life with peace of mind.

However, when developing beacons for monitoring purposes, cooperation with local communities is essential in order to install receiving terminals in multiple locations. In addition to developing apps and beacons, let's reach out to local communities and governments.

Acquisition of location information of people and things

As explained above, IoT beacons are useful for acquiring location information of people and things, but they can also be used for a wide range of purposes other than transmitting store information, preventing loss, and monitoring.

For example, location information obtained from beacons can be used to analyze customer movement patterns within a store. Beacons can obtain information such as the route a customer takes after entering the store and where they stop. Analyzing this information can be used to review the store layout and select products to promote.

Additionally, by installing multiple beacons within a factory or office, it is possible to visualize the location information of employees and objects. For example, by installing beacons in warehouses, it is possible to obtain data such as the shelves where products are stored and the quantities stored. Since you can get accurate information without directly checking the location or number of items, you will be able to improve your work efficiency.

By attaching beacons to employee identification cards or uniforms, you can obtain employee location information. In addition to being useful for attendance management, you can also consider improvement measures to make work more efficient based on behavior history.

Points to note when using beacons

There are three points to keep in mind when using beacons:

  • The other party's device may not have Bluetooth turned on.
  • It may be difficult to obtain detailed information in cm units.
  • May not work well in metal-rich environments

The other party's device may not turn on Bluetooth.

When using beacons, be aware that the other device may not have Bluetooth turned on.If Bluetooth is not turned on, communication is not possible.

As mentioned above, beacons communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth. In order to communicate, not only must the receiving device have Bluetooth functionality, but the setting must be turned on. If you are assuming a smartphone as the receiving device, Bluetooth may not be turned on. This means that information cannot be sent to the smartphone and it cannot be used as expected. Also, when obtaining location information of people or objects, the device's Bluetooth may be turned off for some reason, making it difficult to use.

To solve the problem of turning Bluetooth on and off, there is a way to use beacons that also support Wi-Fi communication. If it is Wi-Fi, there is a high possibility that it is used on a daily basis, which means that the setting may be turned on. This will make it easier to disseminate information.

In this way, beacons that can communicate even if Bluetooth is not turned on have appeared. When using beacons, consider the settings of the other party's device and choose one that will work well for you.

It may be difficult to obtain detailed information in cm units.

It should also be noted that it may be difficult to obtain detailed information in centimeters using beacons.Beacons communicate over short distances, but there is a certain range of communication range.

As mentioned earlier, the communication range of beacons ranges from a few meters to several tens of meters in radius. Communicate with receivable terminals within this range. It is difficult to accurately determine the distance between a device within communication range and a beacon, and there may be some errors in the acquired location information. If the communication conditions are poor, communication will not be effective and the accuracy of information will decrease. For these reasons, it may be difficult to obtain detailed information in cm units.

Depending on the product, the communication range may be narrowed to enable more pinpoint communication. If you want to obtain pinpoint information, it may be a good idea to choose one with a narrow communication range. Please consult your business regarding this matter.

Another option is to reconsider the need to obtain information in cm units. Depending on the type of information, obtaining detailed information may not always be necessary. Pay attention to the communication range of the beacon and choose the best one based on the type and nature of the information you want to obtain.

May not work well in metal-rich environments

Also note that beacons may not work well in environments with a lot of metal.Metal may cause radio waves to be reflected or interfered with by Bluetooth.

For example, let's consider the case where beacons are used to obtain location information of people and objects in a factory with a lot of metal. The beacon does not work properly due to reflection or interference from metal, making it impossible to obtain the desired information. Communication can also be blocked not only by metal walls but also by concrete walls.

Therefore, it is best to use beacons in environments where there are no obstacles such as metal or concrete. When using in an environment with many obstacles, it is necessary to take measures such as installing the antenna after considering reflections and interference from obstacles. When introducing a beacon, check the surrounding environment and consider the installation location.

A must-see for the industry! Explaining beacon implementation examples

Here we will explain examples of beacon implementation.

  • Beacon implementation example 1
  • Beacon implementation example 2

Beacon implementation example 1

Among our company's cases (strictly speaking, demonstration experiments) are the following cases.

Identifying inventory location in logistics

Using a BLE receiver with enhanced directional functionality, we can identify the location of logistics inventory with a BLE (*2) beacon (FCS1301, timbe) transmitter in the factory and collect data.

(*2) BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) is a Bluetooth standard that enables short-range wireless communication with low power consumption.

Building a network within the factory

LPWA technology solves the problem of collecting beacon transmission data in environments where LAN construction is difficult, such as in factories. The LPWA communication module (LoRaPAN) developed by Nagoya Institute of Technology Otsuka Laboratory is a private network that does not require a communication carrier, so by using a receiver capable of LPWA communication, you can easily construct a wide-area network.

Source: Focus Systems Corporation| Started demonstration experiment to improve the efficiency of in-factory logistics using a wide-area positioning system using BLE beacon and LPWA technology (as of February 8, 2023)

In this case, an aging workforce, labor shortages, and improved quality control are cited as important issues. To address these issues, we are focusing on IoT and digital technologies.


The "FCS1301" and "timbe" beacons that provide location information are equipped with a wide range of communication functions, making it possible to grasp accurate location information and collect data on logistics inventory within a factory. This reduces the risk of data loss and improves the accuracy of location systems.

Beacon implementation example 2

As a demonstration experiment, our company's case studies include the following.

Simply attach the FCS1301 to a child during an outside activity such as a walk around the nursery school, and start the app on your smartphone.If the child moves beyond a certain distance from the nursery teacher, an alert will be sent to the name of the child who has left the child, preventing the child from being left behind. To do.

Source: Focus Systems Corporation| Start of demonstration experiment with Yokohama City for "Child monitoring service using ICT" - Towards a childcare site where children, staff, and parents can feel safe - (As of February 27, 2024)

By sending the names of children who are a certain distance away from the nursery teacher as an alert notification, you can monitor and respond in real time. This will reduce the risk of children getting lost or being left behind.

Frequently asked questions about IoT beacons

We will explain the following two frequently asked questions related to IoT beacons.

  • What exactly is IoT?
  • What is iBeacon?

What exactly is IoT?

IoT is an abbreviation for "Internet of Things" and is a technology that is translated as "Internet of Things" in Japanese.IoT is connecting all kinds of things that were not previously connected to the Internet to the Internet, and is being used in a variety of situations. The main things that IoT can do are as follows:

  • Remote control
  • Remote monitoring
  • Communication between things

Utilizing the above functions, IoT has been introduced into the following home appliances, etc.

  • Air conditioning
  • illumination
  • Vacuum Cleaner Robot
  • monitoring camera
  • refrigerator
  • Water heater

It is used in all aspects of daily life, such as operating an air conditioner from outside. Home appliances that utilize IoT are called smart home appliances and are leading to improved convenience for consumers.

IoT is also a technology that is used in business in the following fields:

  • manufacturing industry
  • Logistics industry
  • medical care
  • Agriculture

In the manufacturing industry, it can be used for remote monitoring and operation of industrial equipment, and in the logistics industry, it can be used for managing incoming and outgoing goods and temperature control of storage areas. By using IoT, it is possible to streamline and reduce the number of people required for work that previously required a lot of effort and cost. It is also possible to visualize the work content of employees and the situation at the site, which can be used to discover issues.

For more information on IoT, please refer to the article below.
IoT is the Internet of Things! Explaining the mechanism, what can be achieved, and implementation examples

iBeaconWhat is ~?

iBeacon* is a wireless communication technology and beacon that uses BLE, developed by Apple Inc. in the United States.

*This is a trademark or registered trademark of Apple Inc.

To use iBeacon, you need the following three elements:

  • beacon terminal
  • Receiving terminal
  • iBeacon-enabled apps

To use iBeacon, you need a device and an iBeacon compatible app in addition to the beacon terminal. Devices in which iBeacon has been put into practical use are basically equipped with compatible apps as standard. It can be used to send push notifications to customers who own devices and analyze user behavior history.


IoT beacons can be used in various situations in business and daily life. If you are a business, you can distribute sale information and coupons to customers who visit your store, or you can track the location of your employees and items.In everyday life, it can be used to prevent items from being lost or misplaced, and to watch over children and the elderly.

However, depending on the usage environment of the beacon and the status of the receiving terminal, it may not be possible to obtain accurate information or the beacon may not function properly. To make good use of beacons, choose a product that suits the environment of the installation location and purpose of use.

If you are having trouble deciding how to use beacons or choosing a product, please feel free to contact us.

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48 years since its establishment.
We have a proven track record because we have focused on what is important.
It has a long track record in both the public and private sectors.

Number of projects per year

500 PJ

Annual number of business partners/customers

200 companies

Maximum number of trading years

47 years

Total number of qualified persons

1,870 people