Let's introduce IoT! Explaining the steps, benefits (effects) for business, challenges, and examples

Let's introduce IoT! Explaining the steps, benefits (effects) for business, challenges, and examples

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“If we decide to introduce IoT, what steps should we take?”
“What kind of benefits will there be after implementation?”

Some people may have questions like this. The steps to introduce IoT are mainly as follows.

  1. Clarify the purpose of introduction
  2. To understand the current situation
  3. Discuss in detail with the site
  4. Obtain understanding of the introduction from all within the company.
  5. Prioritize areas that require implementation
  6. Introduce in stages
  7. Check the progress

By following the steps above in order, it will be easier to introduce IoT.As a result of its introduction, it is possible to improve business efficiency and reduce personnel costs. Many people are probably introducing IoT or considering whether to introduce it or not, with the aim of achieving these effects.

Therefore, in this article, we will explain the basic information about IoT and what to do when introducing IoT. By reading this article, you will understand the benefits of IoT and the key points for successful implementation. If you don't know the steps to introduce IoT, please refer to it.

Is it necessary for business? Explaining the purpose of introducing IoT

Here, we will explain whether IoT is necessary for business and what the purpose of introducing IoT is.

  • Purpose of IoT
  • First of all, what is IoT?

Purpose of IoT

Companies implementing IoT often have the following objectives:

  • Improve productivity and business efficiency
  • Reduce labor costs
  • Reduce unnecessary costs
  • Reduced working time
  • Eliminating labor shortages
  • Collection, accumulation, and analysis of big data
  • Creation of new business
  • Improved safety

For example, in manufacturing industries where night shifts occur, the introduction of IoT devices can automatically detect defects and prevent accidents. By visualizing technical elements, you can improve operational efficiency, automate operations, and reduce labor costs.

In the restaurant and retail industries, central management of tags and barcodes makes it possible to understand and analyze big data such as customer purchasing trends and attributes. You can reduce food loss and make proposals and sales that meet customer needs.

In the medical field, dedicated devices and sensors can be installed to instantly grasp the usage status of medical equipment and the location of unreturned equipment. This eliminates the need to search for medical equipment, creating an environment in which medical staff can focus on their primary duties.

First of all, what is IoT?

IoT is an abbreviation for "Internet of Things" and is a technology that connects things to the Internet.It has become possible to connect various things to the Internet through devices, various applications, and networks. IoT technology is advancing day by day, and devices, modules, and applications are becoming more diverse. As a result, the following services that are rooted in people's lives are being created one after another.

smart home appliances

  • There is a refrigerator, air conditioner, pet monitoring camera, etc.
  • Can be controlled remotely using a smartphone, etc.

Wearable Devices

  • There are wristband types etc.
  • Can measure heart rate, step count, blood pressure, etc.
  • It is often used in the fields of health promotion and medicine.

smart home

  • Electricity, gas, and water usage can be managed over the network.
  • Malfunctions of solar panels, etc. can also be detected over the network.

smart factory

  • It is possible to check the operation of workers and work equipment by installing sensors, etc.
  • Collecting and analyzing big data can be expected to improve operational efficiency and safety.

smart lock

  • Automatically locks the door without having a key
  • It is possible to unlock with a smartphone etc.
  • It is highly secure and there is no need to worry about losing your key, so it also prevents unauthorized creation of duplicate keys.

IoT can now be said to be an indispensable technology in people's lives and business settings.

For more information on IoT, please refer to the article below.
IoT is the Internet of Things! Explaining the mechanism, what can be achieved, and implementation examples

Explaining the steps to introduce an IoT system

Here, we will explain the steps to introduce an IoT system.

  1. Clarify the purpose of introduction
  2. To understand the current situation
  3. Discuss in detail with the site
  4. Obtain understanding of the introduction from all within the company.
  5. Prioritize areas that require implementation
  6. Introduce in stages
  7. Check the progress

1. Clarify the purpose of introduction

First, let's clarify the purpose of introduction.If you blindly introduce IoT without clarifying the purpose of introduction, you may not be able to solve the current issues.

When considering the purpose of introducing IoT, you need to organize the vision and goals you want to achieve. When organizing your goals, be sure to clarify the following points:

What do you want to achieve by introducing IoT?

  • Reduce labor costs
  • Eliminate labor shortage
  • productivity improvement etc.

What is the value of achieving the goal?

  • %
  • number
  • Yen etc.

By when do you want to achieve it?

  • 〇days
  • 〇months
  • year etc.

Where do you want to achieve it?

  • Department
  • area
  • country etc.

Once you have determined your goals, consider whether you can achieve them by introducing IoT. If you can achieve your goals by introducing IoT, you need to decide the scope of IoT. When deciding the scope of IoT, be sure to clarify the following points:

  • What do you want to IoTize?
  • How much budget can I spend?
  • What data do you want to measure?
  • What kind of problem do you want to solve?

Once the purpose of introducing IoT is clear, it will be possible to utilize IoT technology even more efficiently. In order to achieve your goals, be sure to clarify the purpose of the introduction.

2. To understand the current situation

Once you have determined the purpose of introducing IoT, the next step is to understand the current situation.By clarifying the problem, you can take the necessary measures to solve it. When understanding the current situation, please try to obtain information on the following items.

  • Man-hours
  • Working hours
  • Energy usage of each department
  • personnel costs
  • Work efficiency and appropriateness of workers
  • Number of defective products
  • Complaint details
  • Location of malfunction or accident
  • worker literacy

First, it is necessary to analyze the current issues such as work processes and clarify what kind of data should be acquired to help solve the issues. Sometimes new challenges may arise. If there are multiple issues, prioritize them and decide which issue should be solved first.

3. Discuss in detail with the site

Before introducing IoT, first have detailed discussions with the site. By involving frontline staff in the implementation process, acceptance will be easier and you can expect a smooth transition.If you neglect to conduct on-site interviews, you may have to come up with new measures or incur unnecessary costs. Before implementing IoT, be sure to have thorough discussions with the field.

Rather than interviewing only some staff members, listen to their concerns and issues according to their attributes, such as their position or department.

  • How much time does the work/business take?
  • What kind of work takes time?
  • Is there anything that can be replaced by IoT without becoming individualized?
  • Are there any issues that you would like to resolve immediately between sites?

On-site interviews are important. Please discuss in detail with the site.

Four. Obtain understanding of the introduction from all within the company.

It is also important to deepen understanding of IoT implementation throughout the company in advance.If everyone understands the importance of the system and acts accordingly, efficient operation and continuous improvement will be possible. Resistance to the system at the time of its introduction will also be reduced to some extent.

Here are some effective ways to gain understanding across the company:

  • Hold an in-house study session sponsored by an IoT device manufacturer
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of introducing IoT
  • Collect frank opinions on IoT implementation through anonymous surveys, etc.

In particular, it is necessary to clarify the advantages and disadvantages of introducing IoT. This is because it is necessary to eliminate dissatisfaction caused by excessive expectations for IoT implementation and lack of knowledge. Please refer to the above to gain understanding of IoT implementation throughout your company.

Five. Prioritize areas that require implementation

Once you have gained an internal understanding of IoT implementation, decide where to introduce IoT.You don't have an unlimited budget, so you need to prioritize. It would be a good idea to prioritize by considering the following:

  • Where is the implementation location predicted to be most effective?
  • Are there any issues that can only be solved by introducing IoT?

For example, we perform a detailed analysis of existing business processes and operations to identify opportunities for improvement and efficiency. This includes cost, efficiency, quality, customer satisfaction, etc. If there are any issues, check the effects of solving them. Also, at this time, check whether the problem can only be solved by introducing IoT. Clarifying cost-effectiveness makes it easier to prioritize.

6. will be introduced in stages

When introducing IoT, it is a good idea to do it in stages.Because it minimizes risk.

In the first place, when introducing IoT, it costs a lot of money, depending on the scale etc. Large-scale IoT implementations, such as replacing manufacturing equipment with IoT equipment, may require tens of millions of yen in capital.

However, a larger investment does not necessarily mean a greater effect. Even if you introduce the product after discussing with the site, there is a risk that the cost-effectiveness will be low for reasons such as ``the equipment is not suitable for the site, or new issues arise when you actually use it.'' . To avoid such risks, introduce IoT in stages.

Please refer to the following points for the phased introduction.

  • Partial implementation only in some departments
  • If there is a trial option, use it.

If you introduce it to all your locations, the risk of failure will be correspondingly large. If you can rent or try it out, please take advantage of it.

7. Check the progress

After introducing IoT, it is important to verify and improve it and check the progress along the way.If you do not check progress, you may not notice new issues or areas for improvement. In order to utilize IoT technology correctly, be sure to check the progress along the way.

When checking your progress, keep the following points in mind:

  • Are there any unresolved issues?
  • Is it possible to achieve the goal given the current situation?
  • Is there new data to be collected?
  • Are workers adapting?

If new issues are discovered during the process of checking progress, it is necessary to collect other data or change the content of the response. Let's consider what we should do to solve the problem.

In addition, the scope of work can be expanded by improving the literacy and skills of workers. If workers are not adapted, try to improve their literacy and skills through training and study sessions.

What is the key to achieving this? How to successfully implement IoT

We will explain the three points necessary for successful IoT implementation.

  • Specifications are finalized at an early stage
  • Involve the decision-maker
  • Create a system that reduces the burden on workers

Specifications are finalized at an early stage

Let's finalize the IoT specifications at an early stage. This is because you can accurately plan your budget and select tools.

For example, an IoT project involves a wide variety of resources. This includes hardware (such as sensors and devices), software (such as data management and analysis tools), network infrastructure, and human resources (such as directors and engineers). By finalizing specifications early, you can accurately predict the allocation of these resources and plan your budget. You'll also understand what tools you really need. You can prevent wasted funds and reduce the financial risk of your project.

The best way to finalize specifications at an early stage is to create prototypes and concepts early and get feedback from stakeholders. This will help you to confirm whether the direction of the specifications is correct. This will also help you to identify the necessary functions. Of course, at this time, we will also have a detailed technical review by our technical team to ensure the feasibility of each specification.

Involve the decision-maker

The key to successful IoT implementation is the participation of decision-makers.If you proceed with the IoT implementation plan without involving the person making the decision, there is a risk that the plan will not be approved when it comes time to approve the plan. It would be better to have the person making the decision to regularly participate in the discussion and get their consent as the process progresses.

When inviting decision-makers to participate, please keep the following in mind.

  • Is there an appropriate budget?
  • Do decision-makers fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of IoT?

You must obtain approval from the person making the decision in advance and make a detailed budget plan. Of course, don't just focus on the merits; be sure to also explain the demerits and get the approval of the person making the decision. Let's talk about it so you don't say, "I never heard of that!" when it comes time to make a decision.

Create a system that reduces the burden on workers

When introducing IoT, make sure that the system can reduce the burden on workers.This is because there is a risk that workers will not take advantage of the IoT system.

In the first place, the introduction of IoT aims to improve productivity and business efficiency. Therefore, you may avoid using it in systems where introducing IoT will increase the burden on workers. This makes no sense in introducing it.

One way to make a system less burdensome for workers is to create an intuitive interface. This minimizes the need for learning because users can intuitively understand how to use it. They will become adept at using it in a short time and may even start using it on their own.

Explaining frequently asked questions when introducing IoT

We will explain the following three questions regarding the introduction of IoT.

  • Please tell me the benefits of introducing it.
  • Please tell us about any issues that may arise during implementation.
  • Please tell me an example of implementation.

Please tell me the benefits of introducing it.

There are eight main benefits of introducing IoT.

  • Ability to make quick decisions
  • Improve work efficiency
  • Trouble can be prevented in advance
  • Easy data visualization and analysis
  • You can expect to generate business ideas.
  • It becomes possible to provide customized services
  • Leads to reducing labor costs and resolving labor shortages
  • Human resources training period can be shortened

The biggest benefit is that you can make decisions faster. You can instantly grasp the data, so you don't have to spend time collecting and analyzing it. You can grasp the accurate data, so you can make more reliable and faster decisions.

You can also expect to improve operational efficiency. The introduction of IoT makes it possible to automate tasks that have traditionally been performed using human resources. Tasks that take up a lot of time, such as data aggregation, management, and analysis, can be completed in an instant. It also has the effect of preventing troubles because breakdowns and defects can be predicted in advance.

Please tell us about any issues that may arise during implementation.

There are two main issues that can be considered when introducing IoT technology:

  • cost
  • Security

Depending on the case, it can cost a lot of money. There will be certain costs for purchasing and installing devices, building a network, etc. You may not be able to achieve what you want within your expected budget. It may be a good idea to get competitive quotes and find the company with the best cost performance. Of course, at this time, compare not only the cost but also the functions and find the product that is best suited for your company.

Furthermore, since IoT technology is connected via the Internet, attention must be paid to the risk of information leakage due to neglecting security measures. Secure communication, data protection, and access management will be important. Security risks must be minimized by implementing strong security protocols, regular software updates, and data encryption.

Please tell me an example of implementation.

IoT technology is used in many fields to improve work efficiency and save labor.For example, in our case, we have the following implementation examples (strictly speaking, demonstration experiments).

Beacons that transmit location information use our "FCS1301" and "timbe", which have high range performance. Since our beacons have a wide communication range, we can expect to improve the accuracy of positioning systems by reducing the risk of data loss due to moving out of the receiver's coverage area. Additionally, the number of receivers required to be installed can be reduced, leading to cost reductions.

Source: Focus Systems Corporation| Started demonstration experiment to improve the efficiency of in-factory logistics using a wide-area positioning system using BLE beacon and LPWA technology (as of January 26, 2024)


This company had originally been moving forward with IoT, but issues still remained. In response to the aging population, labor shortages, and the need for increased efficiency at manufacturing sites, we conducted a demonstration experiment to improve the accuracy and reduce costs of positioning systems using beacons with high range performance.

This beacon has a wide communication range and can reduce the risk of data loss even if the number of receivers is reduced. In the future, we aim to apply this technology not only to logistics, but also to fields such as medical care, nursing care, and monitoring.

In this way, IoT technology has a lot of potential to contribute to efficiency improvements and cost reductions. We can expect improvements in work and services in a wide range of industries.


This time, we explained why IoT technology is said to be necessary in business situations, what the purpose of introducing IoT is, and what to do when introducing IoT.IoT is a technology that is useful in all aspects, including improving productivity and resolving labor shortages.By introducing IoT, it becomes possible to solve deep-rooted problems and conduct efficient operations.

However, the steps to introduce IoT are very detailed and not easy. It may be difficult if you are carrying out the implementation work in parallel with your regular business, or if your company lacks IoT knowledge or implementation experience. In such cases, please feel free to contact us.

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48 years since its establishment.
We have a proven track record because we have focused on what is important.
It has a long track record in both the public and private sectors.

Number of projects per year

500 PJ

Annual number of business partners/customers

200 companies

Maximum number of trading years

47 years

Total number of qualified persons

1,870 people