Product details

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  • Cryptographic module - C4Sax | ActiveX cryptography

crypto module
- C4Sax | ActiveX Cipher

Do you have any problems like this?

Focus Systems will solve that problem!

I am concerned about exchanging information with Windows applications and services.

I want to efficiently encrypt data in Windows application services

01: Encrypt when sending and receiving data

Data can be encrypted when sent and received between web applications and services, reducing the risk of information leakage even in the unlikely event that data is leaked.

02: Reduce processing delays with unique encryption

Our proprietary cipher "C4Custom" enables high-speed encryption processing and enables efficient encryption without processing delays.

Features of C4Sax

■High-speed, lightweight encryption <br />Since it is based on our proprietary "C4Custom", it can be encrypted at high speed with a lightweight module.


■Compatibility between OSs <br />Compatibility between supported OSes makes it easy to exchange encrypted data between the system server and users.


■Efficient system construction <br />Since you can select synchronous or asynchronous cryptographic processing according to the system processing format, you can build an efficient system.

Product Specifications


Compression of encrypted data during sending and receiving

Encryption target

memory data file data

Support OS

Windows 10, Windows Server 2019
*Please contact us separately regarding use with other Windows versions.


I want to know the composition of the delivered product.

Program (library) and interface specification (manual).

Can I use the delivered item as is?

It is necessary to incorporate the program (library) into the existing system and develop to call the program. Details are listed in the interface specifications (manual).

I don't know how to install the program

Since a sample program is included in the delivered product, the customer can imagine how to incorporate the program.

Related product

C4CS Lite
SDK library

・FIPS140-2 certification acquired ・Abundant cryptographic module group ・Thought support from domestic manufacturers

C4U Enterprise

・Encryption using just a USB key ・Tamper resistance ・Two-factor authentication for devices


・Encrypted backup for IBMi ・Detailed encryption method settings possible ・English version available


Achievements left behind

48 years since its establishment.
We have a proven track record because we have focused on what is important.
It has a long track record in both the public and private sectors.

Number of projects per year

500 PJ

Annual number of business partners/customers

200 companies

Maximum number of trading years

47 years

Total number of qualified persons

1,870 people