What is the Unauthorized Access Prevention Act? Introducing applicable cases and measures to be taken

What is the Unauthorized Access Prevention Act? Introducing applicable cases and measures to be taken

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Unauthorized access prohibition lawis a law that prohibits unauthorized access to devices such as computers and smartphones. In this article, we will explain the Unauthorized Computer Access Prohibition Act.Types of cybercrime and measures to take against unauthorized accessI'd like to introduce_______

What is the Unauthorized Access Prevention Act?

What is the Unauthorized Access Prevention Act?A law that prohibits unauthorized access, unauthorized acquisition and storage of identification codes that lead to unauthorized access, and acts that encourage these activities.is. This law has been in effect since February 2000.

Identification code refers to a code, such as a so-called ID or password, that is required when using a device or service and is attached to enable legitimate users to be distinguished from other users. Masu.

The purpose of this law is toPreventing crimes related to computers and smartphonesor related to the Internet.To maintain order and aim for the healthy development of an advanced information and communication society.,It has been with.

What is unauthorized access?

Unauthorized access acts areInfiltrate devices by illegally obtaining identification codes and exploiting software vulnerabilities.refers to

After gaining unauthorized access, users can impersonate users and use services or send information, which can cause significant financial and trust damage.

The Unauthorized Access Prohibition Act aims to prevent unauthorized access from two aspects: regulation of those who access unauthorized access, and countermeasures that can be taken by the defender.

Illegal activities to which the Unauthorized Access Prohibition Act applies

So, what types of acts qualify as unauthorized access?

A person who makes unauthorized access shallInfiltrate computers by targeting software vulnerabilities. They then steal user information such as IDs and passwords stored on the computer.Pretending to be the person in question to commit malicious acts or send information to outside partiesTo do.

These actions can lead to users making purchases without their knowledge, sending emails to acquaintances, and even inviting other forms of unauthorized access.

Examples of damage caused by unauthorized access

The following are cases of unauthorized access that were reported to have a high number of incidents in a survey conducted by the Metropolitan Police Department.

  • Unauthorized remittance through internet banking
  • Unauthorized purchases on the Internet
  • Unauthorized manipulation of online games and community sites
  • Unauthorized manipulation of information such as eavesdropping on emails
  • Unauthorized manipulation of internet auctions
  • Sending information by pretending to be an acquaintance
  • Website defacement
  • Send unsolicited or spam email
  • A "backdoor" is created that allows unauthorized access and virus infection.

If a crime occurs on an Internet banking or shopping site and causes financial damage or an organization's website is defaced, it becomes difficult for the victim to bring the situation under control on their own. If you feel something is wrong,Ask a professional to investigateIt might be a good idea to do so.

Measures to take in case of unauthorized access

If you are familiar with the case in the previous chapter, here are the steps to determine whether it is actually due to unauthorized access.It is important to take immediate actionis. If it is unauthorized access, report it to the police or prefectural public safety commission.If the culprit can be identified, it may be possible to stop the damage from spreading to others..

The following penalties will be imposed for unauthorized access:

Penalties for unauthorized access acts, etc.

Unauthorized access act

Imprisonment for up to 3 years or a fine of up to 1 million yen

Acts that encourage unauthorized access

Imprisonment for up to 1 year or a fine of up to 500,000 yen

*Acts that encourage unauthorized access refer to providing another person's ID, password, or other identification code to a third party without permission.

Acts of fraudulently obtaining, storing, or requesting input of another person's identification code

Imprisonment for up to 1 year or a fine of up to 500,000 yen

*Unauthorized acquisition of an identification code refers to phishing. Phishing is the act of sending a fake email claiming to be an auction event or a financial institution to an unspecified number of people, leading them to a fake site and forcing them to enter their credit card number, ID, password, etc.

To quickly discover and respond to unauthorized access damage

In order to minimize the damage caused by unauthorized access, it is important to discover it as soon as possible and report it to the responsible authorities.

To quickly detect unauthorized access,Be aware of the symptoms and keep your antenna up at all times.is the best. Additionally, by using systems that detect unauthorized access sold by various cybersecurity companies, you will be able to establish a more accurate monitoring system.

If you find one, take action according to the guidelines of the security software and OS you have installed, and report it to a regulatory agency such as the IPA, police, or Public Safety Commission, and receive advice on how to deal with it.If your organization's computers are compromised, please take action according to your organization's policies.stomach.

Take immediate action to prevent damage from spreading

With the spread of the Internet, we have become a convenient world where we can connect with others anytime and anywhere. However, on the other hand, if personal information or important information of a company or organization is leaked due to unauthorized access,Possibility of causing damage in various directionsThere is also.

If you notice unauthorized access,Take immediate action, such as requesting a professional investigation, to stop the damage before it infects others..

[Reference site]
Damage caused by unauthorized access and countermeasures│Ministry of Internal Affairs and CommunicationsThis is all you need to do! “Three Promises for Wireless LAN Information Security” | Act on Government Public Relations Online and Prohibition of Unauthorized Access | e-Gov

Achievements left behind

48 years since its establishment.
We have a proven track record because we have focused on what is important.
It has a long track record in both the public and private sectors.

Number of projects per year

500 PJ

Annual number of business partners/customers

200 companies

Maximum number of trading years

47 years

Total number of qualified persons

1,870 people