
our business


Main services

System integration business

We provide technical support for total solutions through system development for government agencies and major private companies. Another feature of our company is that we work on a wide range of projects, from long-term projects to new projects that make full use of the latest technology.

1 public system
We develop public systems that support society, such as social insurance and air traffic control. These systems, which require high reliability and deep business understanding, are the foundation of our business and we have an extensive track record.
2 Business applications
We provide solution proposals, development, and maintenance for "intra-mart", which is a common system platform, and "web applications" and "cloud applications" using groupware, to improve business operations and increase efficiency in various industries.
3 Communication control system
We have business relationships with leading companies and develop platforms for public networks using network virtualization technology (cloud) and firmware development for communication control devices. This is an area that has been our strength since our establishment.
4 embedded system
Using the technical capabilities cultivated through the control development of information and communications equipment, we undertake contract development of embedded software for in-vehicle equipment, home appliances, medical terminals, etc. Our technology is incorporated into various areas of everyday life.
5 IoT
We are proposing IoT solutions that utilize our own product, beacons. We are working to strengthen our own brand by leveraging the technology and wide-ranging perspectives we have cultivated through our experience to expand into the IoT field.


PROJECT.01Customer service application system development project for multifunction printer manufacturers

Development structure: ~30 people (maximum during peak hours)
Period: 2013 to present (regular system improvements are made every year)
project overview

A web system that allows you to apply for cloud storage, scan translation, remote device monitoring services, etc. The applied information is linked with other systems (contract management system and billing system) to automate the process from service application to contract conclusion and provision.

Feature 01
You can learn various program development methods!
You can learn how to develop general-purpose programs. Additionally, you can utilize the latest AWS technology to gain know-how to quickly provide services.
Feature 02
Work from the customer's perspective!
It is possible to work closely with end users.
Feature 03
Evolving with the latest technology!
You can be involved in a system that evolves year after year, rather than creating it once and ending it.

PROJECT.02 Application reception system development project using My Number Card

Development structure: 6 people (up to 15 people at peak times)
Period: From the second half of 2019 (currently in maintenance and operation phase)
project overview

A system that links information using electronic certificate information stored in My Number cards. It is divided into two parts: the front end, which accepts user operations, and the back end, which is responsible for linking information with other systems, and the requirements for each are different. On the front end, emphasis is placed on operability and user experience (UI/UX). On the back end, there are target values ​​for processing time, number of processing items, etc., and these are achieved by tuning the database, asynchronous processes, etc.

Feature 01
High social attention!
You can feel that your work is contributing to creating a better society.
Feature 02
An environment where it is easy to make suggestions!
It is an environment where you can make proposals regarding systemization methods, and there are many opportunities for your ideas to be adopted.
Feature 03
You can acquire practical expertise!
You will acquire not only technical knowledge but also specialized knowledge regarding related laws and policies.
Feature 04
You can be involved in a system that will be useful in the future!
You can gain insight into the My Number Card system, which is expected to become popular in the future.

PROJECT.03 Smart city related demonstration experiment project

Development structure: 15 people (Number of Scrum teams: 3 teams)
Period: 2020-present
project overview

We collect a variety of cross-sectional information (weather information, traffic information, store information, human flow information, etc.) and conduct demonstration experiments with the aim of generating and providing value-added data according to user usage. In the future, we are aiming for commercialization and plan to provide the added value data to general users by incorporating it into smartphone apps and 3D city models.

Feature 01
Experience agile development!
Through repeated trial and error, you can proceed with development with a sense of speed while sharing the completed image with the customer.
Feature 02
Aim to become a Scrum Master!
It is also possible to take on a position that maximizes the results of the team, such as supporting members and coordinating with project stakeholders.
Feature 03
You can try new things!
You can acquire new knowledge related to AI such as machine learning and recommendations.

IT service business

In the 1990s, with the expansion of the scope of computer usage, advances in systems, larger scale, networking, and the explosive spread of the Internet, there was a need for "advanced IT usage." Under these circumstances, our company expanded its business from a "system contract development company" to a "comprehensive information services company." Currently, we have established an integrated system that includes information system consulting, development, operation, and maintenance.

1Infrastructure design and construction
We provide services that make full use of cutting-edge technology, from infrastructure construction to software development for open systems.
2Technical support operations
We help engineers solve problems with hardware environments, networks, OS, and middleware, and improve performance.
3Operation support operations
We have set up a help desk to support the stable operation of the system by providing technical support such as recovery support in the event of a failure.


PROJECT.01 Communication carrier service infrastructure design and construction project

Development system: 18 people
Period: 2012-present
project overview

I am in charge of infrastructure design and construction for various communications carrier services. Introduction of various services such as DNS service, home Wi-Fi, public wireless LAN, DPI (Deep Packet Inspection), NAPT judicial response, emergency email, RTB (Real Time Bidding), etc., product consideration and research, infrastructure design and construction. We handle a wide range of tasks, including software installation and configuration, on-site construction support, and external relations with related departments.

Feature 01
You can be involved in a wide range of work!
Basically, everything is designed and constructed in-house, and we handle a wide range of tasks, from the physical layer such as equipment installation and wiring, to the logical layer, including OS/NW design and some APL.
Feature 02
You can experience new technologies and products!
You will also have the opportunity to design and build large-scale systems unique to telecommunications carriers that process traffic from tens of millions of users, and to experience new technologies and products such as 5G, IoT, and cloud.
Feature 03
There are many people who are successful even after starting with no experience!
There are a variety of projects and tasks, so even those with little experience can move up by completing tasks that match their skills.

PROJECT.02AWS for major financial institutions
API Gateway infrastructure design and construction project

Development system: 8 people
Period: 2020-present
project overview

We will build an API platform to implement new services with the aim of improving the UI/UX and increasing functionality of smartphone apps for members of financial institutions.

Feature 01
You can participate in all aspects of infrastructure construction!
You can experience all phases of infrastructure construction from requirements definition to release.
Feature 02
You can acquire the necessary knowledge through practical work!
By gaining experience in building large-scale AWS infrastructure, you will be able to comprehensively learn the latest technologies.

PROJECT.03 Infrastructure design and construction project for baggage inquiry service

Development system: 21 people
Period: September 2020 to present
project overview

This service is for general users and delivery companies. We design, build, and release infrastructure (HW/OS/NW/MW, etc.) to run web applications that accept package inquiries and redelivery requests from smartphone apps and websites.

Feature 01
Build an important system that is visible to general users!
Because we are involved in systems that are familiar to our daily lives, we have many opportunities to feel a sense of social responsibility.
Feature 02
A large-scale system with a large number of transactions!
Because the system is large and requires a lot of processing, it is necessary to design and build a stable system, and you will be able to experience highly difficult work in anticipation of system operation after service begins.
Feature 03
Extensive experience in the infrastructure field!
We handle design and construction in a wide range of areas, from physical layers such as device wiring to virtual OS and business/operation middleware.

Information security business

Our style is to create new solutions based on cutting-edge ICT. A representative example of this is our information security business, which controls the "information risks" that cannot be avoided in today's world where everyone uses IT environments. We provide a wide range of support, including providing our own security products and incorporating security functions into customer systems.

1 Cryptographic technology
We provide a service that encrypts information assets to prevent them from being leaked to third parties.
2Digital watermark
We provide a service that embeds digital watermarks into digital content such as still images, videos, and audio to prevent unauthorized use.
3 Incident response
We provide services that investigate and analyze information leaks and cyber attacks.


SERVICE.01 Cryptographic technology

FP Pro.

Service overview

FP Pro. is a file encryption (decryption) application that can be used with drag and drop, key selection, and execution. File sharing and file exchange using the cloud can be done safely using FP Pro.

Introduction example
  • SMBC Consumer Finance Co., Ltd.
  • A certain health insurance association

SERVICE.02 Digital watermark

acuagraphy PictureMark

Service overview

By embedding specific character strings invisibly in still images, it is possible to manage content, protect copyrights, and identify the source of leaks by using them in real time. It is provided as a library and API specification, so it can be incorporated into systems and products.

Introduction example
  • Waseda System Development Co., Ltd.
  • Nikon System Co., Ltd.
  • Mainichi Shimbun Co., Ltd.
  • Shueisha Co., Ltd.
  • Asukaen Co., Ltd.

SERVICE.03 Incident response

digital forensics

Service overview

It is a series of scientific investigation methods and technologies that preserve, investigate, and analyze electromagnetic records in cases of litigation, as well as analyze and collect information in the event of falsification, damage, etc.

Sales and support of fast forensic products
  • Tools to preserve evidence on PCs and mobile devices
  • Analysis tools used in investigation work after evidence preservation
  • Tools to analyze passwords required for authentication and decryption
  • Tools to analyze programs such as malware
Sales and support of fast forensic products
  • Sales and support of products that enhance endpoint security
  • Sales and support of EDR products as fast forensic tools
security services
  • forensic investigation
  • Vulnerability diagnosis
  • SOC service